Buy Turkey Online, Buy Ham Online & Christmas Meats


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Christmas is on the horizon, so what better way to celebrate Christmas than GREAT Turkeys & Hams at GREAT prices?

Save your time and buy turkey online, hams online from Northern Foods. See our deals on a special selection of products by clicking on the banner above — we have a lot of good deals for turkeys & hams and other Christmas meats.

If you’re looking for a great price for your Christmas Hams and Turkeys, look no further — Northern Foods has the deal for you!

Please find listed below a selection of these exclusive specials:

Should there be any other products which you would like Suppliers’ Exclusive Pricing on, feel free to contact Marilyn on 021 190 5004.

Celebrate Christmas with us. Buy turkey online, ham online and any Christmas meats at Northern Foods! Must end 7th January.

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Why buy online from Northern Foods?

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